Hey, everyone Since it's been a slow news week, I thought I'd share another post about Foster The People . This time, however, I'd like to discuss the minimalistic pleasure of “ Torches ”. What I mean by that is the album, to an outsider, may seem rather lackluster or even that the songs all sound similar, but, this couldn't be further from the truth. Come with me to the land of milk and honey as we deep dive into this fantastic record. When I first heard “ Torches ” in mid-May of 2022, I wasn't fully aware of what I'd be in for. In my ignorance I'd assume it'd be an album made up of only “ Pumped Up Kicks” as that'd been the first song I ever heard from them. After spending one afternoon going track by track, I realized I was dead wrong. The song that stood out the most was “ Waste ”, which, when I look back, really changed my life, and I'll never forget that experience. This is just one of the many great things about this amazing debut, bu...
Ramblings about Foster The People and more!